The R.H. Wilson House in Greensburg, Kentucky, is a perfect example of one of the historic house forms I adore: a compact, brick, 1.5 story central passage dwelling – usually built during the Federal period. The Federal style is generally considered to be from around 1790 to 1825 in Kentucky, though certain elements of the style persisted well into the mid-19th century in vernacular buildings.
This house, however, dates a bit later than usual – various sources cite the 1840s (either 1842 or 1848) as its decade of construction. I would classify it as a transitional dwelling, caught between the Federal and Greek Revival styles – with a Flemish bond facade and a nicely articulated cornice and main entry.

A circa 1979 detail of the main entryway from the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) files.
This type of transitional hybrid is actually fairly common in Kentucky. Flemish bond brickwork was typically used in Federal-style houses, while this entryway is a bit more elaborate (in keeping with the characteristics of the Greek Revival style) than what would be found on a strictly Federal-style house. The documentation on the house for the National Register listing stated that it was “the best example of the Greek Revival style in Green County.”

The R. H. Wilson House was listed in the NRHP in the early 1980s as part of a Multiple Resource Area.
In 1886 the house was sold to the Methodist Episcopal Church for use as a parsonage, in which capacity it served until 1930. During my visit, it was hard to determine from the car whether the house is occupied or not.
My 1868 house in Paris looks much like this facade, except it’s frame. Definitely not a story and a half, just one story. I have two rooms off a central hall, and an ell off one of the two rooms – the porch off the ell has been enclosed, so it’s very convenient. It is an enduring style.