While sifting through historic images for a project in Louisville, Kentucky, this morning, I came across this fabulous mid-20th century photograph of the Arcade Barbershop on Taylor Boulevard. The caption for the image didn’t provide a street number, so I considered posting the image and letting the hive mind tell me if the brick building still stands. But lo and behold, a chance look at streets along Taylor Boulevard led me to spy Arcade Avenue.

Façade of the Arcade Barbershop, Louisville, Kentucky.
Item no. ULPA 2005_021_233_c in the Aaron Chase Collection, University of Louisville Photographic Archives. https://digital.library.louisville.edu/concern/images/ulpa_2005_021_233_c?locale=en
The magic that is Google Streetview (and while I may have quibbles with Google the multinational behemoth, Streetview is a gift to architectural historians with limited travel time and funds) provided me with the answer!
While I would still like to get my own photograph, and dig into the history of this handsome building (the drop corbels at the cornice line are really quite nice), I will resist the lure of the rabbit hole for now, and just rejoice in the continued existence and utilization of one historic building amid a landscape of redevelopment. But my moment of joy would not have been possible without the amazing archives of the University of Louisville, and to archivists everywhere, I extend my thanks.
I love fancy brickwork. I’m not a fan of painted brick but this paint job really accents the brickwork.